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The techniques in aikido are made from initial position, attack, technique, and direction. For example for the technique “Hanmi-handachi Shomen-uchi, ikyo, omote” Hanmi-handachi is the initial position (uke is standing and tori is sitting in seiza. Many techniques are done with both people standing, and in this case, this part of the name is left blank). Shomen-uchi is the attack (a vertical strike to the head). Ikyo is the technique (an armbar to force the opponent face down) and Omote is the direction (move forward, Ura means to turn or step to the rear of the opponent).





There are 3 starting positions: both standing, one standing and one sitting, and both sitting.

There are approx.15 attacks including strikes and grabs.

There are approx. 20 techniques including throws and pins.

There are 2 directions: to the front, and to the rear.

それで合気道の技は3 x 15 x 20 x 21,800個もありたす


Then there a total of 3 x 15 x 20 x 2 = 1,800 techniques!

And if you include variations and counters that number may exceed 2000 techniques!




Further, there are various ways to handle each attack. For example, the basic shomen-uchi can be directly blocked, parried inside, parried outside, or slipped. Each technique can also be applied in various ways as well.

Remembering them all seems impossible!



それでも15 x 20 = 300個も残る。芚えるのは無理じゃないけど、苊劎したすね。

Let’s clean things up a bit.

The starting positions and directions are trivial and can be ignored for now. If you can do a technique standing, then you can do it sitting without many changes.

This still leaves 15 x 20 = 300 techniques. Not impossible to remember, but still challenging.


Then, several attacks can be handled in a similar fashion. For example, the yokomen-uchi (diagonal strike to the temple) inside parry ends up in a position similar to aihanmi-katate-dori (cross wrist grip), morote-dori (grab one arm with both hands) or ryote-dori (grab broth wrists). Also, if you know how to handle a cross wrist grip, then you can handle the other grabs, too. Killing several birds with one stone. Most attacks can be handled using basic tai-sabaki movements.


Then each attack can be connected to each technique. For example, techniques that can easily be done from the yokomen-uchi parry include kote-gaeshi, shiho-nage, irimi-nage, and hiji-ate. In other words, each of these techniques are similar (in this case they are all throws).


If you fail to do one technique, then you can quickly change to another. A well known example is that nikyo to yonkyo follow from a bad ikyo. Also, if you forget how to one technique, then you can find it through another i.e., if you forget yonkyo, then you can get to it via ikyo.


By thinking in this way, we’ve managed to boil down the 2000 techniques down to a more manageable 15 attacks and 20 techniques for a total of 35 movements you need to remember. Get these and you know all of aikido!


Figure: 2 attacks, 4 techniques and 2 directions for a total of 16 different possibilities.


By understanding the 35 movements, you can think of similar networks like the one above and maybe find your own techniques.


Looking at things a bit deeper, the applied technique depends on uke’s strength, distance, resistance, etc. From the above network, if you get the timing right from the shomen-uchi attack, you can move directly into ikyo omote. However, if uke’s attack is too strong and you can’t move forward, then you can lead the attack in a spiral to the ground (ikyo-ura). Also, depending on how uke tries to escape ikyo, you have the options of changing to nikyo (if uke comes towards you), sankyo (if uke stands up towards you) or yonkyo (if uke stands up away from you).


It takes a lot of training to be able to freely change techniques on the fly. A single technique can be done in a few seconds, so you have less than a second to see, think and adapt to any changes that may occur. But as a first step to this you can start by learning and thinking about the relationship between the 35 moves mentioned above.


See you on the mats!

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